Trogdyltye adventure?

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Re: Trogdyltye adventure?

Post by Solomoriah »

Adventures meant for different fantasy systems, even sometimes related ones, will often have stories that depend on specific features of the target game; spells, for example, or monsters. The closely-related games (S&W, Labyrinth Lord, OSE, etc.) won't present much of a problem, but 5E is pretty distant. Adventures for more divergent games than 5E present even bigger challenges, but even sticking with 5E as a basis you'd have to restat basically every monster, rebalance the adventure for the target levels, and so on. It's not a trivial task.
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Re: Trogdyltye adventure?

Post by Escargot Pudding »

Basic Fantasy is rules light so I just think something on the fly if X feature is needed.

I don't need to respec monsters , they are available in your core book . Assuming there is a monster unavailable in BF I just use something else .

I assume your Dragons are as lethal as BX that might be problematic for a low level module using a younger dragon.

I don't think it's too much extra work . I have a Lost mines of Phandelver 5e module . I have no interest in 5e but I think it's a great module adventure .
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Re: Trogdyltye adventure?

Post by inhalvast »

Escargot Pudding wrote: Thu Jan 16, 2025 2:12 pm I don't think it's too much extra work . I have a Lost mines of Phandelver 5e module . I have no interest in 5e but I think it's a great module adventure .
You will need extensive reworking to make that story work in BFRPG. There are so many "skill checks" required to "progress" the "plot" in there that simply are not a thing in this system, you would basically need to tack those mechanics on wholecloth. That particular game system is balanced around the idea of having (nearly) unlimited chances to rest/heal/regain spells/whatever, which is not how BFRPG is intended to be ran.

I'm not telling you don't play that way, it's your table. However, I would recommend a different adventure entirely that is designed for this style of game. Blackapple Brugh and Chaotic Caves are great and fall neatly into how this game runs. I haven't ran Barks & Blades yet, but I enjoyed what I read from that module and would recommend giving that a look as well.
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Re: Trogdyltye adventure?

Post by Metroknight »

Escargot Pudding wrote: Thu Jan 16, 2025 2:12 pm I have a Lost mines of Phandelver 5e module . I have no interest in 5e but I think it's a great module adventure .
Someone rewrote the Lost mines of Phandelver into the BFRPG system. We talked about it on the forums and I have a copy of it on my google drive.
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Re: Trogdyltye adventure?

Post by inhalvast »

Metroknight wrote: Thu Jan 16, 2025 7:13 pm
Escargot Pudding wrote: Thu Jan 16, 2025 2:12 pm I have a Lost mines of Phandelver 5e module . I have no interest in 5e but I think it's a great module adventure .
Someone rewrote the Lost mines of Phandelver into the BFRPG system. We talked about it on the forums and I have a copy of it on my google drive. that would be interesting to read. Could you PM me a link to that?
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Re: Trogdyltye adventure?

Post by UptonGames »

Escargot Pudding wrote: Thu Jan 16, 2025 11:29 am An Adventure Module is just a story and setting . I dont see any problem taking say a DND 5e module and using Basic fantasy core rules on it or vice versa
The story, setting and hook are by far the hardest part of the adventure - at least as far as I am concerned.
If the monsters are roughly level compatible then just changing out the stats would be enough. If they are not level compatible then either modify their stats so that they are or find something similar that better fits the bill. Not difficult, really.
Of course it sort of helps if you are familiar with both systems.
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Re: Trogdyltye adventure?

Post by Escargot Pudding »

The story, setting and hook are by far the hardest part of the adventure - at least as far as I am concerned.
If the monsters are roughly level compatible then just changing out the stats would be enough. If they are not level compatible
You gonna have to explain How a dnd 3e tavern where the ugly halforc female owner asks players for direRats and blue shrooms fetch quest for tonights stew is harder than a Basic Fantasy taven .

I personally think monster level compatiblity is the biggest problem.
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Re: Trogdyltye adventure?

Post by Solomoriah »

No, actually I need you all to stop discussing "modern" games. We have a rule, for reasons.

Talk about adapting a specific adventure, and that's fine. Discussing rules or the philosophy of a game without relevance to Shane's question... no, off topic.
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