Season 2 - Episode 4: The Warren

A forum for JoeCarr28's play-by-post game.

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Re: Season 2 - Episode 4: The Warren

Post by Birthright »

Tannen looks towards his companions and then indicates the direction of the door with his thumb, then makes a slicing gesture across his throat with his palm horizontal. If nobody moves to stop him....

Once the others are ready, Tannen opens the door as quickly as he can, before slipping through and to whichever side gets him out of line-of-sight for the party's missile filers.
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Joe the Rat
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Re: Season 2 - Episode 4: The Warren

Post by Joe the Rat »

Mandross gives a thumbs up, and gets to the left of the door, out of the way of the professional shooters.
Go with a smile!
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Re: Season 2 - Episode 4: The Warren

Post by SmootRK »

Nivek calls out from the back of the group, "So open it and lets deal with what lies behind. Time is not on our side." He stands vigilant ready to fight.
Is it really the end, not some crazy dream?
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Time to Move ...

Post by JoeCarr28 »

OK, the opening of the door marks the end of the current episode, which also means it's time to teleport to our new home at

I've updated your experience points in the Character Roster topic. You can update your character sheets, and then it's a very easy cut-and-paste job into the new forum (Joe the Rat, Iain_IF & Arezho still need to register).

I'll leave the Out-of-Character Chat and IMPORTANT! Marketstone is Moving! topics open - if you have any difficulties with the transition, you can post here. Otherwise, I'll see you on the other side :) .

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