Licensing works based on Basic Fantasy RPG

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Re: Licensing works based on Basic Fantasy RPG

Post by Lapsus »

I have a question about this topic. I tried reading everything here so I hope it was not already answered.

I’m thinking about writing an entire campaign setting world. I mean lore, additional classes, NPCs, quests, maps, equipment and so on. In terms of licensing, I would like to achieve the following:
- Free version shared here in the workshop, so I give back to the community
- I would like to retain the rights to any adaptation of the same setting to other rulesets (other RPGs) and other forms (e.g. videogame, novel, etc)
- I would like to retain the rights to the name of the campaign setting

Which one of the 3 options should I go for? My understanding is that if I go for CC (second option), I can’t retain the rights.

I think in general this need I have is shared by a lot of other creative folks out there: wanting to give back to the community while leaving the door open to monetize their work more in other forms. So having a clear path toward that may being more people into the tent.

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Re: Licensing works based on Basic Fantasy RPG

Post by Solomoriah »

If your work is derivative, you have only two choices, OGL (using the previous 3rd Edition or earlier as a basis) or CC BY-SA (using 4thEd as a basis). "Derivative" means you use any of our text in your work.

The rights you want to retain are not compatible with either license, as I understand them. Therefore you cannot create a derivative work and retain those rights. Full stop.

Your only choice is to write your setting without using any of our materials (in the sense of "copying" any of our text). In general, you can do this exact thing while maintaining compatibility with BFRPG; a monster's name and statblock can be transcribed legally in most cases, and any monsters where the name might be considered "protected" can be renamed or omitted. Thulids, for example.

You also cannot retain those rights and post your work on the forum. I'm sorry, but it's against the rules; since you can't use CC BY-SA and retain those rights, and we require CC BY-SA for all new materials posted here, there's no path that will give you what you're asking for.
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