AA1.6: Characters

A forum to play test using a Play - by - Post (PBP) format the Adventure Anthology series found on basicfantasy.org.

Moderator: Rosisha

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Re: AA1.6: Characters

Post by Rosisha »

Okay, first off, very nice characters! One more and we are good to go!

Now, as to the questions so far, and if I miss anything I apologize, I'm in Canuckistan!

1. You were right Mak! I reverted to 2e and as rolling 1d6 for hit points! New hit points are:

5 (3 + 2)

2. Chisel does 1d2 points of damage :D

3. Gold is correct.

Please keep the questions coming if you have any! As you can see, I'm still learning too!
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Re: AA1.6: Characters

Post by mordrin »

These adventures all look really short, correct? If so, I can join in.
If you'll stat me, kind sir, I'll get started.

Some questions:
  • Where/how do we roll? Do you do all the rolling?
    Since we're fairly puny, which 0/neg hp rules are being used? :o
    Are you creating new characters for each of the 6, or carrying them through?
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Re: AA1.6: Characters

Post by Rosisha »

Happy to have you on board!

When we encounter combat, I'll see how things go and how we are going to address the hit point issue. In the past I've always used:

0 = Immobile/Unable to take actions except moan in pain
-1 through -9 = Incapacitated and bleeding out
-10 = Death

But we'll see!

As to the modules, yes they are all short. I'm aiming for a one to a few posts a week with an OOC post to discuss the module itself. In so doing, we can really tackle the concept of playtesting (which is our goal!)

Now as to characters.... you can keep the same character and adjust them for each module (i.e. maybe the next module we do is level 6, so you decide to keep Bob the Brave Halfing Fighter, and add four levels), or you can make new ones. It is completely up to you.

As to your stats:
STR: 13
DEX: 10
CON: 13
INT: 10
WIS: 12
CHR: 8
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Re: AA1.6: Characters

Post by Mak »

So Uldyneas has over 500 gp left over from his basic gear purchases: as these coins are quite heavy (even as platinum pieces), would it be ok to convert them into gems and/or jewelry? Any guidelines on that?

Also, Ros, you were saying something about magic items... for purchase?
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Re: AA1.6: Characters

Post by Rosisha »

Kind of. If we can agree on a source for the item, it can REPLACE some of the treasure you earned by adventuring before coming to the present adventure. Make a list and we can go over it!
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Re: AA1.6: Characters

Post by mordrin »

Here's what I've come up with. Let me know if it works. Need hps (d10 for race)
Tauren (as he goes by now) knows little of his lineage and infancy and talks about them even less. He was adopted at a young age by a kindly druid who raised him with her own child. Tauren eventually went out into the world (he also doesn’t like to discuss why – “it was time” is the absolute most he’ll say on the subject). He developed a great love of animals and the wilderness from his adoptive mother.
Physically and mentally, Tauren takes more after his human side. He wants to fit in amongst less crude and violent races and sometimes uses big words and flowery language to overcompensate (and it’s probably best not to snicker). At other times he completely forgets he’s a bit ogrish and is surprised by the reaction he generates.
Character Name: Tauren Toem (taur'-ren toe-em')
Race: Half-Ogre
Class: Barbarian
Level: 2
XP: 2000

Height: 6’8"
Weight: 294 lbs
Hair: black, neatly trimmed
Eyes: black
Complexion: beige/tan-ish. Not nearly as dark as an Islander.

Languages: Common
Alignment: NG

STR: 13 (+1/+2)
DEX: 10
CON: 13 (+1/+2)
INT: 10
WIS: 12
CHR: 8 (-1)

Special Abilities
30’ Darkvision
Unarmored AC
Unarmored attack bonus
Feats of strength bonus

Armor Class: 13
Hit Points:
Base attack bonus: +1
Attack bonus (melee): +2
Attack bonus (ranged): +0
Movement Rate: 40' per round

Saving Throws
Death Ray or Poison: 11(10 poison)
Magic Wands: 12
Paralysis or Petrify:14
Dragon Breath:15
Spells: 16

Code: Select all

Backpack  (0-worn) 4
Clothes (1-worn) 4
Change of clothes (1-sb) 4
Rations (14-bp) 10
Hemp Rope (5-around bp) 1
Tinderbox (1-bp) 3
Torches (1-bp) 1
Whetstone (1-sb) 1
Waterskin, full (2-bp) 1
Blanket (3-on horse) 1
Polearm (15-carried or back) 9
hand axe (5-hip) 4
sling (0-bp) 1
20 bullets (2-bp) 2
3 [i]healing[/i] potions, in stoppered iron flasks (3-bp) 300
1 [i]control plant[/i] potion, in stoppered iron flask (1-bp) 400
30 platinums (3-bp) 150
42 golds (4-bp) 42

war horse 200
bit+bridle 1
shoes 1
saddle 10
saddlebags 4
I'm thinking carry a few dozen platinums with the rest converted to minor magic items or gem/jewlery
(if we run with us 3, there's no cleric, so a potion or two of healing might be nice... :) )
Last edited by mordrin on Thu Jan 15, 2009 10:19 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: AA1.6: Characters

Post by mordrin »

1E has healing and animal control as 400gp, so maybe 2 healing or 1 healing and 1 control animal or control plant, then the rest in platinum?
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Re: AA1.6: Characters

Post by Rosisha »

I find that to be a fair price if there are no other objections... Just as an FYI, when I get home and have access to my books I was going to use 2e references for magical items.
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Re: AA1.6: Characters

Post by greg »

Character Name: Eran
Race: Elf
Class: Fighter/Magic User
Level: 2
XP: 4,500

Height: 5'0"
Weight: 130 lbs
Hair: dark, short
Eyes: green
Complexion: fair

Languages: Elvish, Common, Dwarvish

STR: 11
DEX: 12
CON: 8
INT: 13 (+1)
WIS: 8
CHR: 10

Armor Class: 16
Hit Points:
Base attack bonus: +2
Attack bonus (melee): +2
Attack bonus (ranged): 0
Movement Rate: 30' per round

Saving Throws
Death Ray or Poison: 11
Magic Wands: 10
Paralysis or Petrify:12
Dragon Breath:15
Spells: 14

Chain mail +1
Shortbow with quiver and 20 arrows
Silver dagger
Silk rope
Large sack
Small sack

Read Magic

327 gp
5 sp
Last edited by greg on Sat Jan 17, 2009 11:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: AA1.6: Characters

Post by Rosisha »

I'd say that for the magic chain mail... convert about 800 gp. It will be chain mail +1. As to a horse, that is up to you guys!

Now as a quick note, I am writing this as I get ready to dart away, so I'll handle more later this week (Thursday) but I am thinking if we don't get another interested party then I'll roll up a cleric to round out the party and we'll start!

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Re: AA1.6: Characters

Post by Mak »

With Uldyneas' low CON and hp, I guess I'll opt for healing potion(s) as magical items. They have the added bonus of being useful to other party members as well. What can he get for, say, 500 gp?
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Re: AA1.6: Characters

Post by crazycrypt »

I'm not necessarily that good at play testing and at Basic Fantasy all together as I'm still learning it all from solo. However, since I'm on the site daily and love going to solo's house to play Basic Fantasy, if you want me to, I will attempt to be your fourth instead of you having nobody.

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