Iron Falcon Release Announcements

This subforum is for discussion of the Iron Falcon Rules for Classic Fantasy Role-Playing. Maybe someday they'll have their own forum, but for now I'm keeping the discussion here.
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Re: New Project: Iron Falcon

Post by Blazeguard »

I'm reading it over and I'm confused about one thing. How can a magic-user have a minimum # of spells? I can see them starting the game with a minimum # of spells but how does that work when they level up? Do they automatically gain the required number of spells to take them to the next minimum level? And it says per level so a 5th level magic-user with INT 14 would have a minimum of 25 spells? I must be missing something cause that just doesn't seem right.
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Re: New Project: Iron Falcon

Post by Longman »

I had look at that Rythlondar document and got to the expedition table.

You're right, it does look like about 7-10 round the table at any given time.

Man, a lot of those guys died. Poor old 'L Scensny' died 4 times in 7 expeditions.

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Re: New Project: Iron Falcon

Post by Dimirag »

Blazeguard wrote:I'm reading it over and I'm confused about one thing. How can a magic-user have a minimum # of spells? I can see them starting the game with a minimum # of spells but how does that work when they level up? Do they automatically gain the required number of spells to take them to the next minimum level? And it says per level so a 5th level magic-user with INT 14 would have a minimum of 25 spells? I must be missing something cause that just doesn't seem right.
Its the minimum per spell level, not class level, so a 5th level MU with 14 INT would have a minimum of 5 spells of each level in his spell book.

He will have a minimum of 5 level 1 spells, 5 level 2 spell and 5 level 3 spells. Once he reaches 7th level he will be able to learn a minimum of 5 level 4 spells.

The minimum spells are those that don't require a learning roll, if the MU has learned less than his min number of 2nd level spells and he acquires a 2nd level spell that he wishes to learn he will do it automatically.

That's my interpretation of those rules.
Sorry for any misspelling or writing error, I am not a native English speaker
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Re: New Project: Iron Falcon

Post by Solomoriah »

Longman wrote:The classic 'party of 4' must have been a later development.
Uh, yeah. Later, like about Y2K. Four players was always kind of the minimum, and hardly the preferred number.
Blazeguard wrote:I'm reading it over and I'm confused about one thing. How can a magic-user have a minimum # of spells? I can see them starting the game with a minimum # of spells but how does that work when they level up? Do they automatically gain the required number of spells to take them to the next minimum level? And it says per level so a 5th level magic-user with INT 14 would have a minimum of 25 spells? I must be missing something cause that just doesn't seem right.
This was always a bit unclear, but basically, the player rolls for each spell the character might learn; if, after making all the rolls, the character doesn't know the minimum number of spells, re-rolling is allowed until the minimum is met.

In practice, most people make the rolls only as spells become available. Making the roll doesn't mean the character knows the spell, but only that he or she is eligible to put it into his or her book.

Likewise, the maximum number limits how many successful rolls the character can benefit from.
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Re: New Project: Iron Falcon

Post by Hernes Son »

Just downloaded and started looking it over. Interesting stuff. How do you see it being different from, say S&W Whitebox, Delving Deeper, or Spellcraft & Swordplay?

Also, how big do you expect this book to be? If it's going to be a little thing, it might be neat to put it in a 6"x9" format. Sort of reminiscent of the "booklets" of the original game?
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Re: New Project: Iron Falcon

Post by Solomoriah »

Hernes Son wrote:Just downloaded and started looking it over. Interesting stuff. How do you see it being different from, say S&W Whitebox, Delving Deeper, or Spellcraft & Swordplay?
Gah. There's an OGL rule that prohibits me from comparing my own OGL-covered game with any other game (OGL or not), so I can't directly answer that question.

But... I can't find any rule that prohibits me from comparing other people's games to each other. So, go up and re-read my D&D notes above first.

Done? Okay. Delving Deeper present three-class original D&D with just the alternate combat system from Greyhawk. S&W Whitebox does that also, and then changes some things (like having just one saving throw category). Spellcraft & Swordplay is, as best as I can tell, a "true" clone of the original D&D game plus Chainmail, i.e. a clone of the very first print version of D&D.
Hernes Son wrote:Also, how big do you expect this book to be? If it's going to be a little thing, it might be neat to put it in a 6"x9" format. Sort of reminiscent of the "booklets" of the original game?
8.5x11 most likely. The smaller format is "nice" but it runs the price up and is harder to lay out for this type of book... a single column is too wide, a double too small, for the monster section anyway. I'd have to redesign my monster statblock layout to work in that format, and I'm comfortable with it.

Honestly, the higher cost is a sticking point for me anyway.
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Re: New Project: Iron Falcon

Post by Dimirag »

Solo: if anything of what I'm going to post is not allowed please excuse me and erase it.

Iron Falcon: wider range of ability modifiers; d4 to d8 hit dice, percentage and d6 rolls for thieve's skills, variable dice for damage (with the distinction of damage versus size), 22 levels.

Delving Deeper: Minimal ability modifiers, d6 for hit dice, 1-3 in a d6 chance for thieve's skill success, d6 for damage, 12 levels, healing takes 2 days of no activity per HP regained.

Spellcraft & Swordplay: Unified ability bonus. ability rolls for saving throws, d6 for hit dice, classes have "elite classes", 10 levels, classes gain more attacks in a faster way compared to their attack bonus, spell casting rolls, 2d6 rolls of thieves skills, optional unified skill rolls of 2d6, attacks are made on 2d6, attack matrix based on weapon vs AC, d6 for damage, healing per night of rest is Level + Con mod.

Solo, whats the healing rate on IF? It seems that part is still under construction or entirely out of the game.
Sorry for any misspelling or writing error, I am not a native English speaker
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Re: New Project: Iron Falcon

Post by seandon4 »

This is neat. Definitely checking it out.

They'll always be that soft spot I have for the simplicity of OD&D:
the way it handles hit dice and very few stat bonuses.

Trouble is all the material out there is written for B/X and 1e. I wonder if there are easy ways to convert B/X modules to OD&D.

Solo, any thoughts on d6 damage instead of variable? I noticed a few of the weapons do d12 which seems pretty enormous for OD&D?

EDIT: BTW, neat project, thanks for arranging and posting.
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Re: New Project: Iron Falcon

Post by Solomoriah »

Dimirag wrote:Solo: if anything of what I'm going to post is not allowed please excuse me and erase it.
You aren't a contributor, so you can say pretty much anything you want. OGL rules only apply to authors and contributors.
Dimirag wrote:Solo, whats the healing rate on IF? It seems that part is still under construction or entirely out of the game.
Like I did with BFRPG, I have a "coverage target" I'm following; if the classic game has a rule for something, so will Iron Falcon, and if it doesn't... well, that's tricky; I may have to make up a few things, but I don't really want to add any more than I must.

Being a true retro-clone of a game that was, let's be honest, poorly defined in the first place is a bit harder than I would have expected.
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Re: New Project: Iron Falcon

Post by Solomoriah »

seandon4 wrote:Trouble is all the material out there is written for B/X and 1e. I wonder if there are easy ways to convert B/X modules to OD&D.
You should be able to convert on the fly adventures written for most of the Old School games, and certainly for BFRPG (just invert the AC).
seandon4 wrote:Solo, any thoughts on d6 damage instead of variable? I noticed a few of the weapons do d12 which seems pretty enormous for OD&D?
My coverage target has variable weapon damage, and so therefore do I.

Back in the day when that first supplement appeared, I'd wager more than half of the people then playing dived in head first and used it all, or almost all of it. Remember, up to that point there was only the one game, only the one publication. Nothing like it is today.
seandon4 wrote:EDIT: BTW, neat project, thanks for arranging and posting.

I'm just now pushing a new version to the website, so check it out!
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Re: New Project: Iron Falcon

Post by Fabio_MP »

I am having problems downloading it... I get an "error 500 - internal server error" :( maybe it's because you are uploading it just now?
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Re: New Project: Iron Falcon

Post by seandon4 »

Solomoriah wrote:
seandon4 wrote:Trouble is all the material out there is written for B/X and 1e. I wonder if there are easy ways to convert B/X modules to OD&D.
You should be able to convert on the fly adventures written for most of the Old School games, and certainly for BFRPG (just invert the AC).
Also converting the HD from B/X style to OD&D style and the attack tables, and maybe differences in XP requirement -- I'd have to go back and compare. Probably not too hard to do though. Movement can be converted on the fly as well.
Solomoriah wrote:
seandon4 wrote:Solo, any thoughts on d6 damage instead of variable? I noticed a few of the weapons do d12 which seems pretty enormous for OD&D?
My coverage target has variable weapon damage, and so therefore do I.

Back in the day when that first supplement appeared, I'd wager more than half of the people then playing dived in head first and used it all, or almost all of it. Remember, up to that point there was only the one game, only the one publication. Nothing like it is today.
Ah you mean they used all the dice d4 through d12?
Solomoriah wrote: I'm just now pushing a new version to the website, so check it out!

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