Adventures in the North March

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Re: Adventures in the North March

Post by Woe »

Sure, that works for me. 16/16/16/8/8/8

Kidding! I'll work on my character tonight and try to post. I'm on the road so it might be a few days before we have access to the interwebs again.
Freya HP 24/24 AC 16 (17 two weapons)
Kilian HP 20/20 AC 19 (18 no shield)
Talin HP 29 AC 16
Tiana HP 11 AC 12 SP 8/8
Fido HP 9/9 AC 16
Anna HP 12/12 AC 15 (19 defensively)
Bruce HP 20/20 AC 16 (15 no shield)

Red Oak map
Red Oak loot
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Re: Adventures in the North March

Post by quozl »

Are you still looking for a fifth? I'd like to give it a try.
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Re: Adventures in the North March

Post by arcbolt21 »

quozl wrote:Are you still looking for a fifth? I'd like to give it a try.
We'd love to have you aboard, quozl.
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Re: Adventures in the North March

Post by quozl »

Excellent! I'll work up a thief for the party.
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Re: Adventures in the North March

Post by arcbolt21 »

quozl wrote:Excellent! I'll work up a thief for the party.
Excellent! Also, mint wanted to see if anyone else wanted to instead do a 'point-buy' for stats. Do you want to or just stick to the array listed?
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Re: Adventures in the North March

Post by quozl »

I'd rather just go with the set stats. How's this?

Telros, Elven Thief

Str - 12
Int - 10
Wis - 8 (-1)
Dex - 16 (+2)
Con - 13 (+1)
Cha - 14 (+1)

HP 5
AC 15 (Leather armor, dex +2)
2 Daggers (1d4 damage)
Light crossbow (+2 attack, 1d6 damage)
Background Skill - Locksmith

Death Ray 13
Magic Wands 12
Paralysis and Petrify 12
Dragon Breath 16
Spells 15
(Elf bonuses factored in.)

Darkvision 60'
Move 30'

Cloak 2gp, 1#
Clothing 4gp, 1#
Daggers (2) - 4gp, 2#
Sling 1gp
Backpack 4gp
Thieves' picks and tools 25gp, 1#
Grappling Hook 2gp, 4#
Iron Spikes (12) 1gp, 1#
Leather Armor 20gp, 15#
Total weight 26.2#

Telros lived with his father, a poor locksmith in the poor section of town. He has no recollection of his mother and his father still won't say more than "she left one day - she just left." Telros is tired of locksmithing and decides to go adventuring with his friends.
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Re: Adventures in the North March

Post by Longman »

Is it true that we are all elves?

If so, I really like that. Makes a great deal of sense, and will make background and party cohesion really easy.
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Re: Adventures in the North March

Post by Woe »

Class: Cleric
Race: Elf
Level: 1
HP: 6

AC: 15
BAB: +1
Move: 40'

Str 9
Int 10
Wis 16 +2 vs magical attacks
Dex 13 +1 ranged attacks, +1 AC
Con 11
Chr 14 +1 reaction

Weapon 1: Sling and 20 bullets (1d4)
Weapon 2: Morningstar (1d8)
Armor: Studded leather armor

Background Skills: Herbalist?

Predict weather
Meal blessing

Darkvision 60'
Find secret doors 1-3 on 1d6 when searching, 1 on 1d6 when cursory
Immune to paralyzing attack of ghouls
Surprised only on 1 in 1d6

Saving throws:
Death ray or Poison 11
Magic Wands 8 (includes +2 from wisdom, +2 elf)
Paralysis or Petrify 13 (includes +1 from elf)
Dragon Breath 16
Spells 11 (includes +2 from wisdom, +2 elf)

Equipment (still in progress; 20gp left):
Studded leather (25#) (30gp)
Sling and 20 bullets (2#) (2gp)
Morningstar (7#) (7gp)
Backpack (1#) (4gp)
- one week iron rations (14#) (10gp)
- two small sacks (0.5gp) (-)
- two wineskins (2#) (2gp)

Encumbrance: ? (max light load 60#, max heavy load 150#)

Background: I'm thinking something like a Harper.

- is there a real difference between herbalist and physician? If I want her to be a wandering healer, do both backgrounds end up with the same benefit?
- what's the difference between a hunting dog and a guard dog? would either be better at attacking or tracking?
branwen.png (99.62 KiB) Viewed 18629 times
Last edited by Woe on Fri Aug 21, 2015 10:56 am, edited 2 times in total.
Freya HP 24/24 AC 16 (17 two weapons)
Kilian HP 20/20 AC 19 (18 no shield)
Talin HP 29 AC 16
Tiana HP 11 AC 12 SP 8/8
Fido HP 9/9 AC 16
Anna HP 12/12 AC 15 (19 defensively)
Bruce HP 20/20 AC 16 (15 no shield)

Red Oak map
Red Oak loot
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Re: Adventures in the North March

Post by quozl »

Longman wrote:Is it true that we are all elves?

If so, I really like that. Makes a great deal of sense, and will make background and party cohesion really easy.
Yep, I saw so many elves already, I thought it would just make more sense if we were all elves - friends ready to go have an adventure.
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Re: Adventures in the North March

Post by arcbolt21 »

So we have Darfin the Fire Magic-User (engine enthusiast), Telros the Thief (Locksmith upbringing), & Branwen the Cleric (Herbalist).

The way I see it, Herbalist is more of a person who goes out, finds the plants and roots and such and knows how to, most likely through a simple apprenticeship, makes medicines from them. A Physician is a trained professional who may know about and use the herbs but has no clue where to find them.

Hunting dogs are for tracking down animals/people, guard dogs are for, well, guarding a person or place. And a war dog is a dog designed to wade into melee and viciously maul anyone who is not a handler (armies usually smelled the same for eating and drinking the same sorts of rations, coming from the same region, etc. allowing war dogs to know who and where to attack).

Also, this is funny that you all are elves! Never saw that one coming.
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Re: Adventures in the North March

Post by Mint »

Risha.png (144.17 KiB) Viewed 17945 times
Name: Risha
Class: Fighter
Gender/Race: Female Elf

Age: Young
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green
Ears: Pointed

Risha is rather hard bitten, a bit ascetic, and not given to much subtlety. To her, anyone not a fighter is a wet behind the ears ninny who doesn't really belong on an adventure and are more trouble than they're worth as she'll probably have to stand between them and danger. She manages, most of the time, not to let this attitude show. Much.

STR: 18 +3
INT: 10
WIS: 9
DEX: 13 +1
CON: 13 +1
CHA: 10

Level: 1
XP: 0

HP: 9
AC: 15
AB: 4 (Melee), 2 (Missile)

Movement: 30'

Saving Throws:
Death Ray/Poison - 12
Magic Wands - 13 (+2 to roll)
Paralysis/Petrify - 14 (+1 to roll)
Dragon Breath - 15
Spells - 17 (+2 to roll)

Special Abilities: Darkvision 60', Find Secret Door 1-2 on 1d6

Studded Leather Armor
Two Handed Sword
Rations, 1 week

Weight: 67 lbs
Encumbrance: Light
Coin: 8 gp
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Re: Adventures in the North March

Post by arcbolt21 »

And welcome to the team, Risha :)

Alright, I'll give it just a bit to see if anyone is going to join. If not, I'll have Solomoriah start up the new sub-forum.

So we have a party of all elves, all different classes too, which is nifty!

I'll be fleshing out the town and surrounding environs some more tonight.
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