Characters go here
Moderator: arcbolt21
Characters go here
Please post your characters here. We'll also use this thread in case any characters pass on and you need to roll up new ones.
Re: Characters go here

Telros, Elven Thief
Str - 12
Int - 10
Wis - 8 (-1)
Dex - 16 (+2)
Con - 13 (+1)
Cha - 14 (+1)
HP 5
AC 15 (Leather armor, dex +2)
2 Daggers (1d4 damage)
Light crossbow (+2 attack, 1d6 damage)
Background Skill - Locksmith
Death Ray 13
Magic Wands 12
Paralysis and Petrify 12
Dragon Breath 16
Spells 15
(Elf bonuses factored in.)
Darkvision 60'
Move 30'
Cloak 2gp, 1#
Clothing 4gp, 1#
Daggers (2) - 4gp, 2#
Sling 1gp
Backpack 4gp
Thieves' picks and tools 25gp, 1#
Grappling Hook 2gp, 4#
100 ft Hemp Rope 2gp, 10#
Iron Spikes (12) 1gp, 1#
Leather Armor 20gp, 15#
Total weight 36#
Telros lived with his father, a poor locksmith in the poor section of town. He has no recollection of his mother and his father still won't say more than "she left one day - she just left." Telros is tired of locksmithing and decides to go adventuring with his friends.
Last edited by quozl on Sat Aug 22, 2015 8:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Characters go here
Calatin Bel 'Darfin', Red Fire Mage and combustion engine enthusiast.
Str - 12
Int - 16 (+2)
Wis - 8 (-1)
Dex - 14 (+1)
Con - 10
Cha - 13 (+1)
HP 4 (glass cannon)
AC 12 (No armor, dex +1), 16 when on full defense.
Walking staff (+1 to hit, 1d4 damage)
Daggers, 2, for throwing (+2 to hit, 1d4 damage), 10 / 20 / 30
BAB +1
Background Skill - engineer / designer.
0-level spells:
Known: 3 (Flare, Open / Close, Animate Tool)
Cast per day: 4
1st level spells
Known: 3
Energy Blast (fire) (LM) range 25', 1d6 damage, save vs spells = half,
Read Languages
Mystery spell given by DM
Cast per day: 3
Death Ray 13
Magic Wands 12
Paralysis and Petrify 14
Dragon Breath 16
Spells 14
(Elf bonuses factored in.)
Immune to ghoul paralysis.
Spot secret doors on 1-2, on a 1 when not even searching.
Darkvision 60'
Move 40'.
Walking staff 2sp 1#
Daggers (2) - 4gp 2#
Magic User Kit (37gp, 18.7# - EE)
Glass vial, travelling spell-book, 7 day's rations, 6 torches, parchment (5 sheets), tinderbox, hand mirror, 1 jar ink, 1 quill, 2 scroll cases.
Total weight 21.7#.
Str - 12
Int - 16 (+2)
Wis - 8 (-1)
Dex - 14 (+1)
Con - 10
Cha - 13 (+1)
HP 4 (glass cannon)
AC 12 (No armor, dex +1), 16 when on full defense.
Walking staff (+1 to hit, 1d4 damage)
Daggers, 2, for throwing (+2 to hit, 1d4 damage), 10 / 20 / 30
BAB +1
Background Skill - engineer / designer.
0-level spells:
Known: 3 (Flare, Open / Close, Animate Tool)
Cast per day: 4
1st level spells
Known: 3
Energy Blast (fire) (LM) range 25', 1d6 damage, save vs spells = half,
Read Languages
Mystery spell given by DM
Cast per day: 3
Death Ray 13
Magic Wands 12
Paralysis and Petrify 14
Dragon Breath 16
Spells 14
(Elf bonuses factored in.)
Immune to ghoul paralysis.
Spot secret doors on 1-2, on a 1 when not even searching.
Darkvision 60'
Move 40'.
Walking staff 2sp 1#
Daggers (2) - 4gp 2#
Magic User Kit (37gp, 18.7# - EE)
Glass vial, travelling spell-book, 7 day's rations, 6 torches, parchment (5 sheets), tinderbox, hand mirror, 1 jar ink, 1 quill, 2 scroll cases.
Total weight 21.7#.
Re: Characters go here
Class: Fighter
Race: Elf
Risha is rather hard bitten, a bit ascetic, and not given to much subtlety. To her, anyone not a fighter is a wet behind the ears ninny who doesn't really belong on an adventure and are more trouble than they're worth as she'll probably have to stand between them and danger. She manages, most of the time, not to let this attitude show. Much.
STR: 18 +3
INT: 10
WIS: 9
DEX: 13 +1
CON: 13 +1
CHA: 10
Level: 1
XP: 0
HP: 9 (8 +1 CON Bonus)
AC: 15 (14 +1 DEX Bonus)
AB: 4 (1 + 3 STR Melee bonus), 2 (1 + 1 DEX Missile bonus)
Movement: 30' (Light encumbrance with leather type armor)
Saving Throws (not adjusted for elf special abilities):
Death Ray/Poison - 12
Magic Wands - 13 (+2 to roll)
Paralysis/Petrify - 14 (+1 to roll)
Dragon Breath - 15
Spells - 17 (+2 to roll)
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60', Find Secret Door with 1-2 on 1d6 when looking and with a 1 on 1d6 when not looking, immune to Ghoul paralyzation.
Studded Leather Armor (AC 14 +1 DEX bonus)
Two Handed Sword (1d10 +3 STR bonus)
Mace (1d8 +3 STR bonus)
Rations, 1 week
Weight: 62 lbs
Encumbrance: Light
Coin: 1 gp, 8 sp
Last edited by Mint on Sat Aug 29, 2015 11:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Characters go here
Class: Cleric
Race: Elf
Level: 1
HP: 6
AC: 15
BAB: +1
Move: 40'
Str 9
Int 10
Wis 16 +2 vs magical attacks
Dex 13 +1 ranged attacks, +1 AC
Con 11
Chr 14 +1 reaction
Weapon 1: Sling and 20 bullets (1d4)
Weapon 2: Morningstar (1d8)
Armor: Studded leather armor
Background Skills: Herbalist
Predict weather
Meal blessing
Darkvision 60'
Find secret doors 1-3 on 1d6 when searching, 1 on 1d6 when cursory
Immune to paralyzing attack of ghouls
Surprised only on 1 in 1d6
Saving throws:
Death ray or Poison 11
Magic Wands 8 (includes +2 from wisdom, +2 elf)
Paralysis or Petrify 13 (includes +1 from elf)
Dragon Breath 16
Spells 11 (includes +2 from wisdom, +2 elf)
Equipment (20gp left):
Studded leather (25#) (30gp)
Sling and 20 bullets (2#) (2gp)
Morningstar (7#) (7gp)
Backpack (1#) (4gp)
- one week iron rations (14#) (10gp)
- two small sacks (0.5gp) (-)
- two wineskins (2#) (2gp)
Encumbrance: ? (max light load 60#, max heavy load 150#)
Background: The wandering cleric profession is a cover for being a Harper agent.

Class: Cleric
Race: Elf
Level: 1
HP: 6
AC: 15
BAB: +1
Move: 40'
Str 9
Int 10
Wis 16 +2 vs magical attacks
Dex 13 +1 ranged attacks, +1 AC
Con 11
Chr 14 +1 reaction
Weapon 1: Sling and 20 bullets (1d4)
Weapon 2: Morningstar (1d8)
Armor: Studded leather armor
Background Skills: Herbalist
Predict weather
Meal blessing
Darkvision 60'
Find secret doors 1-3 on 1d6 when searching, 1 on 1d6 when cursory
Immune to paralyzing attack of ghouls
Surprised only on 1 in 1d6
Saving throws:
Death ray or Poison 11
Magic Wands 8 (includes +2 from wisdom, +2 elf)
Paralysis or Petrify 13 (includes +1 from elf)
Dragon Breath 16
Spells 11 (includes +2 from wisdom, +2 elf)
Equipment (20gp left):
Studded leather (25#) (30gp)
Sling and 20 bullets (2#) (2gp)
Morningstar (7#) (7gp)
Backpack (1#) (4gp)
- one week iron rations (14#) (10gp)
- two small sacks (0.5gp) (-)
- two wineskins (2#) (2gp)
Encumbrance: ? (max light load 60#, max heavy load 150#)
Background: The wandering cleric profession is a cover for being a Harper agent.
Freya HP 24/24 AC 16 (17 two weapons)
Kilian HP 20/20 AC 19 (18 no shield)
Talin HP 29 AC 16
Tiana HP 11 AC 12 SP 8/8
Fido HP 9/9 AC 16
Anna HP 12/12 AC 15 (19 defensively)
Bruce HP 20/20 AC 16 (15 no shield)
Red Oak map
Red Oak loot
Kilian HP 20/20 AC 19 (18 no shield)
Talin HP 29 AC 16
Tiana HP 11 AC 12 SP 8/8
Fido HP 9/9 AC 16
Anna HP 12/12 AC 15 (19 defensively)
Bruce HP 20/20 AC 16 (15 no shield)
Red Oak map
Red Oak loot
Re: Characters go here
Name: Sirius Proycon
Class: Paladin
Level: 1
Hit points: 6
AC: 19 (15 from chain, 3 from dex, 1 from shield.)
Xp: 0
Str 13
Dex 18
Con 10
Wis 9
Int 10
Cha 13
50 arrows
10' pole
Grappling hook and 50ft rope
5 days rations
Flint and steel
Wide brimmed hat
Winter blanket
Iron spikex12
Sledge hammer.
Saving throws:
Death ray or Poison 9
Magic Wands 8 (includes +2 from elf)
Paralysis or Petrify 13 (includes +1 from elf)
Dragon Breath 16
Spells 11 (includes +2 from elf)
A devout wanderer, Sirius walks the earth looking to do good wherever good is needed. His manner is often gruff and his methods sometimes questionable but beneath that he struggles to maintain a set of selfless ideals against his more pragmatic nature.
Coinage: 5gp 7sp 2cp
Lightly encumbered.
Class: Paladin
Level: 1
Hit points: 6
AC: 19 (15 from chain, 3 from dex, 1 from shield.)
Xp: 0
Str 13
Dex 18
Con 10
Wis 9
Int 10
Cha 13
50 arrows
10' pole
Grappling hook and 50ft rope
5 days rations
Flint and steel
Wide brimmed hat
Winter blanket
Iron spikex12
Sledge hammer.
Saving throws:
Death ray or Poison 9
Magic Wands 8 (includes +2 from elf)
Paralysis or Petrify 13 (includes +1 from elf)
Dragon Breath 16
Spells 11 (includes +2 from elf)
A devout wanderer, Sirius walks the earth looking to do good wherever good is needed. His manner is often gruff and his methods sometimes questionable but beneath that he struggles to maintain a set of selfless ideals against his more pragmatic nature.
Coinage: 5gp 7sp 2cp
Lightly encumbered.
"If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants."
Re: Characters go here
Nice, an Elf Paladin! We'll work you in real quick 

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