AA1.6 Introduction
Moderator: Rosisha
Re: AA1.6 Introduction
Tauren dismounts and begins the process of unburdening his horse, watering it, and tying it up nearby.
Shall we make arrangements for watch shifts? I believe it is helpful for spellcasters to go first or last - which would leave the middle ones to myself and Ty.
Shall we make arrangements for watch shifts? I believe it is helpful for spellcasters to go first or last - which would leave the middle ones to myself and Ty.
- Mak
- Posts: 111
- Joined: Fri Nov 14, 2008 11:04 pm
- Location: Art Evans, jazz pianist and Uldyneas Tyinar, Thief
Re: AA1.6 Introduction
"I'll take the second watch then. Not that there's likely to be anything moving around out there in this weather... but you can never be too careful." Ty moves off to help Kogan find wood for the fire.
Re: AA1.6 Introduction
"I have little need for rest, especially beneath the trees. I will gladly take the first watch."
- crazycrypt
- Posts: 237
- Joined: Sun Nov 16, 2008 9:37 pm
- Location: Palmyra, MO
Re: AA1.6 Introduction
"Alright, since you would like the first, I guess I'll take the last watch."
OCC: I'm not sure if you want to know each day which spell I am preparing, however, I will be preparing "Animal Friendship" today just incase we run into any animals this evening or on our way to town.
OCC: I'm not sure if you want to know each day which spell I am preparing, however, I will be preparing "Animal Friendship" today just incase we run into any animals this evening or on our way to town.
Re: AA1.6 Introduction
Good. Myself 3rd and Kogan last, then. About 2-3 hours each should work out.
After finishing with the horse, I'll assist with getting the fire started, then break out the blanket and go to sleep.
After finishing with the horse, I'll assist with getting the fire started, then break out the blanket and go to sleep.
Re: AA1.6 Introduction
OOC: With an evil cackle, the GM rolls for encounters, and finds none near you guys! Clever call... Clever call.crazycrypt wrote:OCC: I'm not sure if you want to know each day which spell I am preparing, however, I will be preparing "Animal Friendship" today just incase we run into any animals this evening or on our way to town.
<< As you guys settle down for the night you do manage to get a fire started! It is smokey, and wet, but it is burning thanks to some very good team work! As you place more wood near the fire to dry out, and get your camp finished, you hear the whiny of a pony or mule out on the road. A voice calls out, young and uncertain: "Hail the camp!" Out on the road you see what looks to be either a halfling or a young human. He approaches cautiously, his hand holding on to the reigns, and water dripping down his cape and hair.>>
Re: AA1.6 Introduction
Greetings, small traveler!
While rising, Tauren will unobtrusively 'holster' his hand ax on his hip loop, then turn to greet our "guest".
While rising, Tauren will unobtrusively 'holster' his hand ax on his hip loop, then turn to greet our "guest".
- Mak
- Posts: 111
- Joined: Fri Nov 14, 2008 11:04 pm
- Location: Art Evans, jazz pianist and Uldyneas Tyinar, Thief
Re: AA1.6 Introduction
Rising smoothly to his feet, Ty moves to the edge of the firelight at an oblique angle to the newcomer, his longbow held loosely but securely in his left hand. He lets others do the talking and scans the area for any movement.
Re: AA1.6 Introduction
Eran moves to the opposite side of the campfire from the new arrival. With his back to the fire he scans the surroundings. He loosens his sword in its sheath and quickly thinks through his Sleep spell.
- crazycrypt
- Posts: 237
- Joined: Sun Nov 16, 2008 9:37 pm
- Location: Palmyra, MO
Re: AA1.6 Introduction
Since they are all getting up and moving around, Kogan will get his shortbow out and prepare it, however, doing it while still sitting at the fire, using the light of the fire to hide his actions while making sure he has a good shot on the stranger.
Re: AA1.6 Introduction
The Stranger approaches, and enters the light... a young human lad! He seems nervous to see such large armed people, obviously expecting something more mundane. Eventually he gathers himself and nods slightly, "Greetings travelers." He starts, "My name is Kos, and I feel fortunate to have come across you tonight. Why, just some while ago, I left the village of Pineford, as my elders directed me, to search out those who are brave, and capable, to help us." He pauses and steps into the light, "Might I join you by the fire?"
He is obviously unarmed, and you feel no threat. He notices that you seem very prepared and he also thinks he has hit the jackpot. "My village is under siege." He pauses a moment, a look of pain crossing his young face. "Just this past day, our village priest was found, brutally murdered in the forest. Over the past weeks, sheep have disappeared from our flocks, and we fear for our lives. Before he died, our priest spoke of a great evil growing in the ancient forests, near the ruins of a forgotten temple. We are simple folk," he pleads, "not used to violence or war. Can you come to our aid?"
He looks at you hopefully, and pulls a small folded piece of vellum from his pocket. "This has all the details, including a very substantial award!" He holds out the paper.
A quick read shows that it basically contains the same message, though it also shows that the Weaver's Guild has put up a reward of 150 gold pieces, and there is a commentary about "Other Support" from the village Guild Masters.
He is obviously unarmed, and you feel no threat. He notices that you seem very prepared and he also thinks he has hit the jackpot. "My village is under siege." He pauses a moment, a look of pain crossing his young face. "Just this past day, our village priest was found, brutally murdered in the forest. Over the past weeks, sheep have disappeared from our flocks, and we fear for our lives. Before he died, our priest spoke of a great evil growing in the ancient forests, near the ruins of a forgotten temple. We are simple folk," he pleads, "not used to violence or war. Can you come to our aid?"
He looks at you hopefully, and pulls a small folded piece of vellum from his pocket. "This has all the details, including a very substantial award!" He holds out the paper.
A quick read shows that it basically contains the same message, though it also shows that the Weaver's Guild has put up a reward of 150 gold pieces, and there is a commentary about "Other Support" from the village Guild Masters.
- Mak
- Posts: 111
- Joined: Fri Nov 14, 2008 11:04 pm
- Location: Art Evans, jazz pianist and Uldyneas Tyinar, Thief
Re: AA1.6 Introduction
Ty raises his eyebrows and looks questioningly at the other members of the party. He glances at the parchment, but it means little to him as he can barely read (a fact he generally makes every effort to conceal). OOC: INT 7!
"Sounds like it couldn't hurt to inquire further... and we could use a bit of shelter."
Probably it's just a bunch of wolves or feral dogs -- nothing ol' Kogan here couldn't handle in a trice, thinks Ty.
"Sounds like it couldn't hurt to inquire further... and we could use a bit of shelter."
Probably it's just a bunch of wolves or feral dogs -- nothing ol' Kogan here couldn't handle in a trice, thinks Ty.
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