Chapter 1 - There's Adventure in Them Hills!
Moderator: arcbolt21
Chapter 1 - There's Adventure in Them Hills!
The crisp and cool morning air pervaded the small town of Northford as the citizens began to go about their daily work.
The Millers head to the river to collect more flour; Heath Irons opens the small bank for the few people who would need use of it; Old Man Quinn can be seen telling yet another one of his 'true stories' to a few impressionable youths; And Mayor Kester's office has it's door open on an off-day, a 'rare occurrence' most folks would jokingly say.
As a small gathering forms before the Temple as a young merchant begins to hawk his wares from as far afield as Trifanik and Midscir, the mayor steps forth from his office and walks the very short distance to the town hall's doors.
Lifting up a large piece of parchment he starts to hammer it onto the door.
Walking away to the office once more, a small crowd begins to gather before the sign.
Treasure recovery and monster exterminators needed. All goods recovered by lawful means from monsters become the property of
the carrier. Come one, come all, stalwart of heart and arm.
The party is nearby and witnessed the posting going up. You all know each other, though how well I'll leave up to you. So, what do you do?
The Millers head to the river to collect more flour; Heath Irons opens the small bank for the few people who would need use of it; Old Man Quinn can be seen telling yet another one of his 'true stories' to a few impressionable youths; And Mayor Kester's office has it's door open on an off-day, a 'rare occurrence' most folks would jokingly say.
As a small gathering forms before the Temple as a young merchant begins to hawk his wares from as far afield as Trifanik and Midscir, the mayor steps forth from his office and walks the very short distance to the town hall's doors.
Lifting up a large piece of parchment he starts to hammer it onto the door.
Walking away to the office once more, a small crowd begins to gather before the sign.
Treasure recovery and monster exterminators needed. All goods recovered by lawful means from monsters become the property of
the carrier. Come one, come all, stalwart of heart and arm.
The party is nearby and witnessed the posting going up. You all know each other, though how well I'll leave up to you. So, what do you do?
Re: Chapter 1 - There's Adventure in Them Hills!
"Hmm, it does seem like the Mayor left out details. Don't humans usually put something like 'inquire within' at the end of these notices?" says Sera in Elvish. She opens the door to go inside, checking quickly to see who else is interested. Once inside, she'll look for the Mayor or someone else who knows about the parchment outside.
"[Mayor] sir, we'd like to know more about the calling for arms on the door. Where are these exterminations and recoveries needing to take place?"
"[Mayor] sir, we'd like to know more about the calling for arms on the door. Where are these exterminations and recoveries needing to take place?"
Last edited by Woe on Mon Aug 24, 2015 7:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Freya HP 24/24 AC 16 (17 two weapons)
Kilian HP 20/20 AC 19 (18 no shield)
Talin HP 29 AC 16
Tiana HP 11 AC 12 SP 8/8
Fido HP 9/9 AC 16
Anna HP 12/12 AC 15 (19 defensively)
Bruce HP 20/20 AC 16 (15 no shield)
Red Oak map
Red Oak loot
Kilian HP 20/20 AC 19 (18 no shield)
Talin HP 29 AC 16
Tiana HP 11 AC 12 SP 8/8
Fido HP 9/9 AC 16
Anna HP 12/12 AC 15 (19 defensively)
Bruce HP 20/20 AC 16 (15 no shield)
Red Oak map
Red Oak loot
Re: Chapter 1 - There's Adventure in Them Hills!
Risha reads the notice for herself and mutters, "Is there an unlawful way to kill a monster and what about goods that we find otherwise?" Shrugging she follows Sera into the office.
Re: Chapter 1 - There's Adventure in Them Hills!
Telros watches his friends enter and goes around back to see if there's anything worth investigating.
Re: Chapter 1 - There's Adventure in Them Hills!
Darfin entered as well, backing Sera. "Indeed, we are interested, and I think we are definitely the team for the job here, having performed such duties before, in our own homeland."
If a CHA roll is necessary here, I have 13, and Sera's is 14. I will 'assist' her on her roll if that is possible.
If a CHA roll is necessary here, I have 13, and Sera's is 14. I will 'assist' her on her roll if that is possible.
Re: Chapter 1 - There's Adventure in Them Hills!
As Sera, Darfin and Risha walk in, the Mayor is seen at a small desk rifling through some papers with an exasperated look on his face.
"Hmm? Oh, right, right. You'll have to excuse me, not all here right now." Setting the papers down, he stands up and walks to the party, shaking anyone's hand who offers.
"I'm afraid that we aren't to certain. North of here, up in the wilds is about all we know. A local girl, Hana Pigsley, came to us last night and said she spotted some monsters, orcs she thought, while she was out free-ranging some pigs. Good girl, never was much of a liar. If it were just that, I'd just write it off as a passing little band of them." Bowing his head he shakes it before continuing. "But word has practically stopped coming from some of the farms and others, like the Daagen and Ilfer boys have come forward saying that they've seen bandits, orcs and others as well."
Stepping back to his desk, he puts some of the papers up. "If you want to head off and see what's about, maybe see if you can stop them, by all means, please do so. I'll have Heath Irons open his safe for any coin you come across for a discount holding fee. Are you all staying anywhere? If not, I'll have Shagira at the Sleepy Dragon let you have rooms, also at a discount." Looking between the three in the office, he grins. "And it's good to see folks other than the odd trader. Makes this town seem... Bigger."
As Telros rounds the offices, he sees a woman on her back porch nearby working on what looks like a large quilt as some kids run by playing tag. A little further off, two men lean on the wooden wall that surrounds the town, apparently arguing about who has to go fetch some more stone.
"Hmm? Oh, right, right. You'll have to excuse me, not all here right now." Setting the papers down, he stands up and walks to the party, shaking anyone's hand who offers.
"I'm afraid that we aren't to certain. North of here, up in the wilds is about all we know. A local girl, Hana Pigsley, came to us last night and said she spotted some monsters, orcs she thought, while she was out free-ranging some pigs. Good girl, never was much of a liar. If it were just that, I'd just write it off as a passing little band of them." Bowing his head he shakes it before continuing. "But word has practically stopped coming from some of the farms and others, like the Daagen and Ilfer boys have come forward saying that they've seen bandits, orcs and others as well."
Stepping back to his desk, he puts some of the papers up. "If you want to head off and see what's about, maybe see if you can stop them, by all means, please do so. I'll have Heath Irons open his safe for any coin you come across for a discount holding fee. Are you all staying anywhere? If not, I'll have Shagira at the Sleepy Dragon let you have rooms, also at a discount." Looking between the three in the office, he grins. "And it's good to see folks other than the odd trader. Makes this town seem... Bigger."
As Telros rounds the offices, he sees a woman on her back porch nearby working on what looks like a large quilt as some kids run by playing tag. A little further off, two men lean on the wooden wall that surrounds the town, apparently arguing about who has to go fetch some more stone.
Re: Chapter 1 - There's Adventure in Them Hills!
Risha frowns at the Mayor's words before replying, "You'll pardon me if I don't see the advantage of going on this quest for you. You mention only that we get to keep what we find on any monsters gained by lawful means. We could do that anyway on our own and you would have your needs met with no cost to you. Hardly seems fair for us to risk our lives for what...a discount at your Inn? Adventures cost lives and more. It takes serious coin."
Re: Chapter 1 - There's Adventure in Them Hills!
'I am inclined to agree,' said Darfin. 'Magic is an expensive business. A discount on accommodation is hardly sufficient to cover the cost to research a single spell! Tell me, do you have any evidence these orcs will actually have any treasure on them? Otherwise I think we had best be asking for a bounty of some sort.'
Re: Chapter 1 - There's Adventure in Them Hills!
Telros walks up to the two men and amiably asks what they know about the orcs.
(CHA 14)
(CHA 14)
Re: Chapter 1 - There's Adventure in Them Hills!
The two men look at Telros, looking confused for a moment before one shakes his head. "Orcs? No orc been seen 'round here in nearly two years. No, it's got to be a lizardman! They been sneaking round for weeks now! Heard it from that Ilfer boy and he be one of them woodsy men."
Mayor Kester looks at them and nods. "Well, I agree that discounts aren't much. We are folks of little means, I'll be the first to admit. Alright, listen, the reason I'm going through these papers is to figure out what they're doing out and about north of here. It's always been a little rugged, but if we're seeing so many of them now, then something is going on."
Reaching over, he pulls out an old book, it's pages yellowing. "This was the original town charter and I think I know why the monsters and bandits are here. See, there was a mine around here. Pretty good supply of gold and a little silver. But about the time the Empire fell, the mines were abandoned. No one right knows where they are, but if the monsters have found them, that might explain why they are here."
He opens the book and just sighs. "Problem is that these directions to it don't make sense anymore. 'North of the river, west of the big hill, in the u-shape valley'. We know the river is the one just south of town, but 'big hill' and 'u-shape valley' don't make sense. But I can say that when the mine was abandoned, they had plentiful coin there. And, well, if the farmers are gone, I'd much prefer the things on them be taken by us civilized folk and not some monster. Just saying."
Mayor Kester looks at them and nods. "Well, I agree that discounts aren't much. We are folks of little means, I'll be the first to admit. Alright, listen, the reason I'm going through these papers is to figure out what they're doing out and about north of here. It's always been a little rugged, but if we're seeing so many of them now, then something is going on."
Reaching over, he pulls out an old book, it's pages yellowing. "This was the original town charter and I think I know why the monsters and bandits are here. See, there was a mine around here. Pretty good supply of gold and a little silver. But about the time the Empire fell, the mines were abandoned. No one right knows where they are, but if the monsters have found them, that might explain why they are here."
He opens the book and just sighs. "Problem is that these directions to it don't make sense anymore. 'North of the river, west of the big hill, in the u-shape valley'. We know the river is the one just south of town, but 'big hill' and 'u-shape valley' don't make sense. But I can say that when the mine was abandoned, they had plentiful coin there. And, well, if the farmers are gone, I'd much prefer the things on them be taken by us civilized folk and not some monster. Just saying."
Re: Chapter 1 - There's Adventure in Them Hills!
"Can I trouble you for a copy of that map? It seems as though it, and the accompanying directions, need some updating! Perhaps if we could agree that our priority is finding the mine, rather than simply killing these orcs? I'd be willing to do that, if my kin agree."
Re: Chapter 1 - There's Adventure in Them Hills!
"Lizardmen, huh? They take anything? I wouldn't mind meeting up with this Ilfer boy. Looks like the mayor's looking for monster hunters and me and my kin might be applying for the job."
He sticks out his hand.
"The name's Telros. Pleased to make your acquaintance."
He sticks out his hand.
"The name's Telros. Pleased to make your acquaintance."
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