"Up? Nothing really. I just think it's a bad start to a life of adventuring for fun and profit by doing people favors for nothing. About the only thing we're getting out of this town that we couldn't have gotten by just listening around is a discount. You will note that people too poor to pay for protection in times of need are more common than leaves on the ground in a forest in autumn. We do have expenses you know. Food, lodging, new armor and weapons when needed, healing...the list goes on. What's to guarantee there is anything at all in those mines up there and what will we lose exploring them?"
Risha shakes her head looking up at Telros, "It's just bad business all around."
Chapter 1 - There's Adventure in Them Hills!
Moderator: arcbolt21
Re: Chapter 1 - There's Adventure in Them Hills!
"Here's what I'm thinking: We scout it out. If it's just something small, we take care of it and we look like heroes. Then the next time something comes up, we're in better bargaining position. But if it's big, that's bargaining power too. We come back and ask for gold and resources up front. We organize a militia and not only are we heroes but we're leaders too. After that, the world is our oyster.
Or I don't know. Maybe I'm just dreaming big. I just got to do something. I'm going crazy just doing the same thing my whole life."
Or I don't know. Maybe I'm just dreaming big. I just got to do something. I'm going crazy just doing the same thing my whole life."
Re: Chapter 1 - There's Adventure in Them Hills!
Risha smiles, "Now that kind of thinking I like."
Re: Chapter 1 - There's Adventure in Them Hills!
The elf-mage kept quite as he ate his dinner and tried to disguise a smile as he listened to the other two talk. Militia armies? Battle leaders? Well, that was all fine and fancy talk, but there wasn't much point speculating about what was going to happen until they got out there, as far as he was concerned.
They'd already agreed amongst themselves to take a looksee down the north road over the following few days, so that was that.
After dinner, he went to bed early and studied spells for the following day.
(OOC -can you give me the third spell you said I was getting?)
They'd already agreed amongst themselves to take a looksee down the north road over the following few days, so that was that.
After dinner, he went to bed early and studied spells for the following day.
(OOC -can you give me the third spell you said I was getting?)
Re: Chapter 1 - There's Adventure in Them Hills!
Sera looks a bit saddened when she hears the grandeur that the others are hoping for. Glory and riches! she thinks. Always the same motivations. Never altruism. She'll ponder a bit more how so many elves lost their way as she begins her evening prayers.
Freya HP 24/24 AC 16 (17 two weapons)
Kilian HP 20/20 AC 19 (18 no shield)
Talin HP 29 AC 16
Tiana HP 11 AC 12 SP 8/8
Fido HP 9/9 AC 16
Anna HP 12/12 AC 15 (19 defensively)
Bruce HP 20/20 AC 16 (15 no shield)
Red Oak map
Red Oak loot
Kilian HP 20/20 AC 19 (18 no shield)
Talin HP 29 AC 16
Tiana HP 11 AC 12 SP 8/8
Fido HP 9/9 AC 16
Anna HP 12/12 AC 15 (19 defensively)
Bruce HP 20/20 AC 16 (15 no shield)
Red Oak map
Red Oak loot
Re: Chapter 1 - There's Adventure in Them Hills!
"Gold and riches are all very nice and everything but what I really want is the opportunity to find and then kill maim eviscerate burn and destroy the minions of evil. as long as we can get that done on this little escapade of ours then I'm fine with whatever really. I'll go where you guys go because quite honestly this plan sounds like it could land us in some dangerous situations and thats pretty much all I want so good plan, great, especially considering the nature of our profession and its average lifespan there's no harm in dreaming big."
"If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants."
Re: Chapter 1 - There's Adventure in Them Hills!
Add "psychotic paladin" to that list. 

Freya HP 24/24 AC 16 (17 two weapons)
Kilian HP 20/20 AC 19 (18 no shield)
Talin HP 29 AC 16
Tiana HP 11 AC 12 SP 8/8
Fido HP 9/9 AC 16
Anna HP 12/12 AC 15 (19 defensively)
Bruce HP 20/20 AC 16 (15 no shield)
Red Oak map
Red Oak loot
Kilian HP 20/20 AC 19 (18 no shield)
Talin HP 29 AC 16
Tiana HP 11 AC 12 SP 8/8
Fido HP 9/9 AC 16
Anna HP 12/12 AC 15 (19 defensively)
Bruce HP 20/20 AC 16 (15 no shield)
Red Oak map
Red Oak loot
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