Out of Character chat

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Re: Out of Character chat

Post by CptClyde »

I agree with the idea. Let's recruit.
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Re: Out of Character chat

Post by Rookie555 »

Certainly that is what you may wish to do if the assistance helps for this adventure
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Re: Out of Character chat

Post by Rookie555 »

So I'm guessing then the party returns to town and find some folks?
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Re: Out of Character chat

Post by daryen »

We head back to town to fix up, heal, recruit, and try again.

Hopefully the cat doesn't make too much fun of us on the way out.
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Re: Out of Character chat

Post by CptClyde »

Zill will sit quietly in the corner of the tavern mentally preparing for the next adventure and enjoying what may be his last peaceful evening while mourning Grimlar the Bold. He buys a round the party for a toast to the brave fighter.
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Re: Out of Character chat

Post by daryen »

Oh snap!

Grimlar had the key!

Well ... that'll be a problem going forward ...
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Re: Out of Character chat

Post by Rookie555 »

uh oh
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Re: Out of Character chat

Post by daryen »

Well, that's not good ...

Anyway, on the way out, if possible, Taply will spend a few coppers to get back to 20 arrows. (Not buy twenty arrows; just the four or five needed to refill his quiver.)
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Re: Out of Character chat

Post by GrimlinJoe »

Sorry folks, work has been a bit more demanding as of late. I see our friend Grimlar was not so successful in combat. I very much look forward to getting to know Grace.
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Re: Out of Character chat

Post by CptClyde »

Hey there Mr. GM, there is a fellow looking to join a pbp game. Any room for him here? See this thread:

viewtopic.php?f=2&t=4192&sid=1adab6a889 ... c574926868
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Re: Out of Character chat

Post by daryen »

I want to mention a couple things here, as I have to make sure everything is clear in my head.

There are four keys: dull, silver, green, and gold. The dull one was what we used to get in the front door, so we know it's function. The gold key has an eye symbol on it. We used the silver one on the right-side door. We believed that this unlocked that door, as we heard the lock tumble. We assumed the other doors were locked, but didn't check.

Here is the cat's words again: "the green key may have been master's way of thinking straight into the distance and less distraction. The silver key holds no meaning but a shine upon it may grant access any direction, however the silver key breaks if it is not with the eye of the gold key where the sun falls onto a door."

Now, two questions for the GM:
- Are there any markings on any of the three doors? (We may have covered this, but I don't remember.)
- What key did you think Taply used to open the center door? I didn't specify, so I need to know which one Taply used. (I figure he didn't think hard enough about it, and just used one. Now he wants to know which it was. He wouldn't have used the silver one because he'd be afraid it might break, unless the sun is on that door and it has an eye symbol, too.)

We seemed to think that there was an eye symbol (like on the gold key) on the right door, but is that symbol on all three doors, or just the right one? (At the time, the sun was also shining on the right door, and the silver key didn't break, so there's that.)
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Re: Out of Character chat

Post by Rookie555 »

daryen wrote: Fri May 28, 2021 11:53 pm Now, two questions for the GM:
- Are there any markings on any of the three doors? (We may have covered this, but I don't remember.)
- What key did you think Taply used to open the center door? I didn't specify, so I need to know which one Taply used. (I figure he didn't think hard enough about it, and just used one. Now he wants to know which it was. He wouldn't have used the silver one because he'd be afraid it might break, unless the sun is on that door and it has an eye symbol, too.)

We seemed to think that there was an eye symbol (like on the gold key) on the right door, but is that symbol on all three doors, or just the right one? (At the time, the sun was also shining on the right door, and the silver key didn't break, so there's that.)
I'll help to interpret this since this has been a while ago, so that no confusion develops. The four keys are represented by what oldwin looked to keep for each door. The green key would be something Oldwin and Taply would've used if just to think of a straight path. Which Taply would use to open up the path in the center door. Now the three doors (excluding the enterance) do have some detail, but the two that stand out are the left and right door:
  • The right door does contain the faded paint of an eye in the color of gold. Which is marked in the middle of the right door. The gold key has the same representation on it which indicates that it can be open from the right side of the door.
  • Now the silver key is said from the cat that "The silver key holds no meaning but a shine upon it may grant access any direction, however the silver key breaks if it is not with the eye of the gold key where the sun falls onto a door." which this might've sound confusing. So it means that when sunrise begins a new day and while the sun is out, the silver key will allow any doors to be open when the room glows in sunlight, but the key is vulnerable to moonlight once the evening starts and will break if deciding to open any door.

So the differences with the gold and silver key is heavily on where they are used. If there is no sunlight and the moonlight is around, the silver key will break and will have little use. The gold key with the eye symbol crafted onto the key, would still be allowed to open the right door regardless of what time it is in a day. The key may break if it is used on a door that does not bear the mark on the door with eye painted onto the door. The silver key does have value on the left door. Where the door to the left is shown to appear silver in tone. It meaning there is delicate patterns and lines carved on the door. this door happens to look more clean than the rest. So it will not break the silver key if used.
  • The green door has it's simple function to open straight forward of the center door in the house. Now taply did his experiment to open the center door with/without the key. This help to know with the key, all sense of direction is specific in that there is no path from the left side and as brightness glows it continues straight ahead. Now without the key, darkness grows in the path and the left side is open and changes only in atmosphere and corridor.
I hope it makes it clear daryen

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