Chapter 0: A fresh start

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Re: Chapter 0: A fresh start

Post by GrimlinJoe »

Deckard makes a curious face as he looks over the room. He walks in and heads over to the papers.

"Perhaps these may leave some clues as to events leading up to his disappearance?"
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Re: Chapter 0: A fresh start

Post by CptClyde »

Yes I believe the cat mentioned he had received a paper concerning rangers and a city he was potentially travelling to?

OOC: Zill will start shuffling through papers as well.
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Re: Chapter 0: A fresh start

Post by Rosisha »

Grace follows behind moving as a mouse does - attempting to avoid notice. She will stay in the hallway since there are no ways to get in or out of the hallway, and look in. When she sees the desk she will attempt to slip in if possible and start investigating the desk. She's going to look it over carefully looking for hidden compartments:

1. Are there points which are wider or thicker then they should be?
2. She will check underneath as well as the legs. She will jiggle the desk to look for lose fittings.
3. She will carefully clear the papers off the desk while building a "map" in her mind (loci) of where each paper was as she picks it up.
4. Finally, she'll pull the desk away from the wall to look behind it.

She will repeat this process for the bed, and the clothing drawer. She will also methodologically search any clothing that has remained behind - running through pockets as well as through seams look for hidden pockets and goods.
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Re: Chapter 0: A fresh start

Post by Rookie555 »

Zill shuffles through the papers. Which there are many that seem to contain news of entertainment, the paper that is written to the city of Valenor, his book containing all alchemy, cooking, history and knowledge all together. Though Zill perhaps one piece of documentation catches your eye. Which the text of the document has been delicately written in elvish. Which the rest might not know.
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Re: Chapter 0: A fresh start

Post by daryen »

Taply figures the others will get farther with the papers than he would, and instead notices,
Also straight forward is a round window that has been broken which there happens to be a small stone on a ground.
A window strikes him as very out of place in this strange building. What can he see out of it? Does it look like anything they saw before entering the building? Can the window be opened?
He will also pick up and examine the small stone.
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Re: Chapter 0: A fresh start

Post by CptClyde »

Are there any spells among the papers??? :)
Zill (knowing Elven) will read the elven paper to the rest of the group. And will read aloud anything else important he finds (especailly concerning Oldwin's destination when he last left)
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Re: Chapter 0: A fresh start

Post by Rookie555 »

Rosisha wrote: Tue Jun 01, 2021 7:10 pm Grace follows behind moving as a mouse does - attempting to avoid notice. She will stay in the hallway since there are no ways to get in or out of the hallway, and look in. When she sees the desk she will attempt to slip in if possible and start investigating the desk. She's going to look it over carefully looking for hidden compartments:

1. Are there points which are wider or thicker then they should be?
2. She will check underneath as well as the legs. She will jiggle the desk to look for lose fittings.
3. She will carefully clear the papers off the desk while building a "map" in her mind (loci) of where each paper was as she picks it up.
4. Finally, she'll pull the desk away from the wall to look behind it.

She will repeat this process for the bed, and the clothing drawer. She will also methodologically search any clothing that has remained behind - running through pockets as well as through seams look for hidden pockets and goods.
You pretty much follow procedure of investigating the desk first before going through the bed and clothing drawer:

1. The desk will look normal where much of its points will be the same size.
2. Which the desk itself as you look underneath and legs. You try to find any lose fittings, but you don't sense it
3. Grace then begins to take the papers carefully and focus how it was originally placed by Oldwin before he disappeared. As you go through one by one till you clean up the desk, there really isn't much that surprises you.
5. Lastly, you pull the desk towards you. Once you check to see behind from where the desk is. All that you sense is the fuzziness of dust and some minor spider webs.

Which this happens with the bed and clothing drawer. Though from within the clothing drawer, you come across some clothing normally druids don't wear on their day to day journeys. Which happen to be from the elves that had made some wears for Oldwin to have whenever he comes over to their place. Which on the last drawer, you do come across a cloak in dark greenish tone that doesn't feel normal.
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Re: Chapter 0: A fresh start

Post by Rookie555 »

daryen wrote: Tue Jun 01, 2021 10:44 pm Taply figures the others will get farther with the papers than he would, and instead notices,
Also straight forward is a round window that has been broken which there happens to be a small stone on a ground.
A window strikes him as very out of place in this strange building. What can he see out of it? Does it look like anything they saw before entering the building? Can the window be opened?
He will also pick up and examine the small stone.
Taply can see from this window that he can see the outside of Oldwin's house. Which looking outside it almost looks like the ordinary day/time most folks go through. The thoughts do come up in mind that this feels as if it could be fake or an illusion to "think" it is looking outside. The window itself too is open able.
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Re: Chapter 0: A fresh start

Post by Rookie555 »

CptClyde wrote: Wed Jun 02, 2021 9:46 am Are there any spells among the papers??? :)
Zill (knowing Elven) will read the elven paper to the rest of the group. And will read aloud anything else important he finds (especailly concerning Oldwin's destination when he last left)
Zill despite curious of thinking of spells that could be plentiful to him. It doesn't appear to be any spell scrolls, but just from the mess Grace had cleaned up a bit. A map is drawn of some treasure not picked up at all and gives a direction to find this area. While you don't notice that yet, You read the text in elvish and translate it to common:

"this forest, these animals and friends. A curse has never before been around for a long time and now becomes noticeable outside my home. the Elves have come to investigate this matter on why this happens now. Their answer then lie in something I did not wish to recall when it existed. The catacombs that have been built for the Lord of the Undead named Tarus. I never wished to hear this name again, but the elves will go and rid of this sickness that continues to damage the nature. So I abandon my hope to awaken myself to the darkness of the dead. If only Tarus ever listened back then..."

Which Zill that is the last time he writes something. All else has faded sentence and text.
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Re: Chapter 0: A fresh start

Post by CptClyde »

Very interesting. Can Zill by any chance tell if that Cloak Grace found is magical?
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Re: Chapter 0: A fresh start

Post by Rosisha »

Grace holds up the cloak. It feels different from what she would normally wear. She decides to try it on, to see if it will fit and see if anything happens.
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Re: Chapter 0: A fresh start

Post by daryen »

Taply is still curious about the window. Since it appears possible, he will try to open it, at least a little. (I am assuming it isn't latched or anything that makes it look like it is holding something back.)

Also, anything about the stone? (I only ask because it was highlighted.)

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